Our accreditation body USAS has been pioneering remote ISO certification for some time. Now, for the first time, we are seeing UKAS-accredited certification bodies follow suit. This change comes in response to the ongoing COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, which is forcing organisations in all sectors to adapt their business practices and minimise interpersonal contact.
Why choose ISO Accelerator for remote audits?
One of the main reasons to use our USAS-accredited process for your certification audits is that, unlike the UKAS-accredited companies who are only now making the switch, our audits were designed to be conducted remotely from day one.
This means that there are substantial savings to be made - for example, if you already have a certified QMS in place, you could transfer your certification audits to ISO Accelerator from as little as £195 (ex VAT).
You can also transfer across your environmental management system (ISO 14001) and information security management system (ISO 27001).
So not only is our remote auditing process great for the environment, it can also help to protect your employees and reduce ongoing certification costs.
Please contact us directly so we can help you to transfer and start to save.
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