Unless you are already using a USAS-accredited certification body, the answer is probably yes.

During the outbreak of COVID-19, we have seen a number of UK-based certification bodies switch to remote auditing. The problem with this is that you, the customer, are most likely still paying for their huge overheads.
ISO Accelerator was set up from day one to conduct ISO certification audits remotely. This means that our costs are lower, and we pass those savings on to our customers.

Our accreditation body USAS has been pioneering remote ISO certification for some time. Now, for the first time, we are seeing UKAS-accredited certification bodies follow suit. This change comes in response to the ongoing COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, which is forcing organisations in all sectors to adapt their business practices and minimise interpersonal contact.
COVID-19 (short for coronavirus disease 2019) has been dominating the headlines for the best part of a year now. Covid is an infectious disease whose symptoms include fever, coughing and shortness and breath; governments all over the world are taking action in an effort to get through this pandemic, and many businesses are following suit.

Photo from Pixabay
We are now seeing companies in all sorts of different industries restricting travel and limiting access to essential personnel. The UK government's current advice for employers and businesses can be viewed here.