At the beginning of this year, you probably would have been hard-pressed to find a business owner who considered infection control a priority.
Now, thanks to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, the question of infection prevention and control is virtually inescapable. Many bosses are anxiously wondering what measures they will need to implement in order to safely return their staff to work - for example, 'hot desking' may no longer be an option, and individuals will ideally need to be kept at least 2 metres apart at all times.
There is a strong chance that legislation will be brought forward to make infection control policies a legal requirement for UK businesses. What this would mean is that any business wishing to continue operating in the age of COVID-19 would need a robust, thorough infection control policy in place to protect its workers and the general public.
Here at ISO Accelerator, we have developed an effective Infection Prevention and Control Management System to help businesses through this challenging time. Give us a call on 01308 302010 to discuss your company's requirements.
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