When you get ISO certified through ISO Accelerator, you must renew your certification once a year in order to maintain it. As of August 2020, the recertification fees start at £195 per year (although discounts are available if you're renewing two or more standards simultaneously).
We're pleased to announce that you can now spread the cost of your renewal over a 12-month period, splitting it into a series of small monthly payments instead of paying the whole sum in one go.
Why choose to pay monthly?
- More manageable - Break your recertification fee down into small, manageable monthly payments
- More consistent - Pay the same amount every month instead of planning for a single annual expense
- Fixed price for your next audit - Paying monthly ensures that you have a fixed price for the following year's ISO re-certification audit
If you would like to switch to paying monthly, please contact ISO Accelerator today.
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