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Green traffic light

For companies seeking ISO accreditation, attaining certification online can boast a wide variety of benefits. Not only can it help save you money and reduce the financial burden of the accreditation process, it can also save time and reduce the workload for you and your team.

However, in addition to these obvious benefits, there are also less publicised perks to online ISO accreditation that go far beyond man hours and budget figures. Online accreditation can also help contribute to a healthier environment as well.


Professional Responsibility

As the 21st century enters its third decade, the world is becoming increasingly conscious of the environmental impact and ecological stress we are and have been putting on the Earth.

As a result, planetary conservation is a growing concern at the forefront of the general public and one that has crossed over to the professional realm in recent years.

For many companies, steps are being taken to limit harmful emissions, reduce carbon footprint and generally lessen the environmental impact of the business.

However, you don't have to replace your computers with typewriters and work by candlelight to make your workplace more eco-friendly. You can contribute to a healthier environment simply by going digital with ISO Accelerator…


Environmental Benefits of Online Accreditation

While digital ISO certification doesn't actively make the environment healthier, it does provide a green solution that significantly decreases the harmful processes that do adversely affect the planet.

With business conducted solely online, digital certification eliminates the necessity for a physical auditor to visit sites in person. As a result, the auditor isn't required to travel, saving fuel and reducing emissions in the process.

On the surface, that may seem insignificant; however, when multiplied, the results can be altogether remarkable. Eliminating the annual travel of a single auditor can reduce CO2 emissions quite literally by tonnes and have a dramatic impact on the environment as a result.


To find out more about the environmental benefits of online ISO accreditation or for additional details on digital ISO certification, why not drop us a line today?

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