As we move towards global accreditation, ISO Accelerator is proud to announce the launch of its global real-time ISO certificate authentication system Scan and See©.

Download the Countermark app and scan the code above to receive a copy of our USAS accreditation certificate!
The problem with traditional paper ISO certificates is that, once printed, they are static and hard to authenticate. You can always try to make contact with the certification company that issued the certificate - but in a global marketplace, this can be problematic, especially if you're trying to make a quick decision and there are time differences and/or language barriers in play.
To overcome this problem, ISO Accelerator has launched a global real-time ISO certificate authentication system called Scan and See©. This technology allocates a unique digital 'countermark' to an ISO certificate of registration. When the countermark is scanned using the Countermark app, the user is:
- Immediately informed of the validity of the certificate, and
- Automatically emailed a copy of the ISO certificate (if valid) from the certification body.
When presented with an ISO certificate, this system allows you to validate it against the most recent authorised certificate issued by the certification body - instantly!
What does this mean for ISO Accelerator customers?
Scan and See© allows for 100% real-time global authentication of ISO certificates or registration at any time, wherever you are, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
As this new system is rolled out, we will continue to temporarily issue certificate numbers; however, we are planning to phase these out on new certificates over the coming months. All existing ISO Accelerator customers will be issued with a certificate bearing a countermark after their next surveillance / recertification audit. There is no need for existing customers to contact us unless you would like to be issued with a replacement certificate bearing the countermark ahead of time.
We at ISO Accelerator are world leaders in using technology to simplify and perfect the process for independent ISO management system certification. If you would like to make savings on the cost of your ISO certification and join us on our journey to enable independent ISO certification in a safe, secure and environmentally friendly manner, please contact us today.
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More excitingly, if you would like to see how the countermark works, simply download the Countermark app from the App Store or Google Play and scan the countermark above.

Keeping a close eye on ISO standards can eat up a lot of your time - which isn't ideal when you're trying to focus on growing your business. Here at ISO Accelerator, we work hard to ensure that we're constantly up to date with the latest version of each standard, giving you one less thing to worry about.
Our customers occasionally ask us how we're able to stay on top of all the latest ISO changes. We'd like to shed some light on that subject today.
How do we keep up with developments and changes in ISO standards?
In order to demonstrate our commitment to being at the forefront of the development of international standards, we decided it was important for ISO Accelerator to become a member of one of ISO's in-country representatives.
Since ISO Accelerator is a global company, we then had to determine which national standards body we wanted to join. We came to the conclusion that, because our international headquarters are located in the United Kingdom, BSI - ISO's member body in the UK - would be the best fit for us.
How does BSI membership benefit our customers?
ISO Accelerator's BSI membership demonstrates that we are:
- Committed to high standards
- Committed to performing better
- Committed to delivering excellence
But beyond that, our BSI membership also ensures that whenever standards like ISO 9001 are updated, we are among the first to hear about it.
Learn more about BSI membership >
Why don't we just become an ISO member?
ISO is a global network of national standards bodies. There is only one member per country and each member represents ISO in its home country. It is important to understand that individuals and companies cannot become ISO members.
If you would like to benefit from our BSI membership and join one of the world's leading online certification companies, please contact ISO Accelerator to find out more about our remote ISO certification services.
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Photo from Pexels

At 11pm on 31 December 2020, the Brexit transition period ended and the UK officially completed its departure from the European Union.
It remains to be seen what opportunities and challenges this new era will bring our way, but here's one fairly safe prediction: now that Britain has distanced itself from the European single market, a closer trading relationship with the USA is all but guaranteed.
The UK and the USA have been firm allies for many years (much has been made of the 'special relationship' between the two countries), and while a new UK-US trade deal has yet to be agreed upon, British businesses should be prepared to work more closely with our friends on the other side of the Atlantic.
Get certified with a USA-accredited company
ISO Accelerator is a UK-based company that offers online ISO certification to businesses in virtually all industry sectors. We are accredited by USAS, who are headquartered in Florida, so getting certified through us will help to reassure your American clients that your business is reliable and trustworthy.
How Certification Works Get Certified Now
UK / USA flag photo courtesy of Pixabay

During the first lockdown, many organisations found themselves saddled with expenses that had suddenly become unnecessary. Office buildings stood virtually empty as employees worked from home. Company vehicles sat stationary in car parks, unneeded.
Now England has been placed under lockdown again, and as before, business owners are stuck wasting money on superfluous overhead costs. Rent and utility payments for office space that's barely in use. Insurance premiums on vehicles that aren't being driven.
Here at ISO Accelerator, we don't charge our customers extra to cover these unnecessary overheads. We are an independent, forward-thinking certification company that uses Six Sigma and Lean Management Tools to provide independent ISO certification services in a safe, secure and environmentally-friendly manner.
What does this mean?
- All of our services are delivered remotely
- We eliminate activities that add no value, such as travel and idle time
- Our auditing process is consistent and repeatable
- We use technology to provide a world-class service
- We reduce pollution by removing the need for travel
- Our customers do not pay for inefficiencies
As a result, our customers are delighted with our services. From day one, ISO Accelerator was designed to operate remotely; this is how we have remained extremely competitive even during these uncertain times.
If you would like to save money on your independent ISO certification - or simply take advantage of our world-class services - please contact ISO Accelerator today.
Get Certified Now

COVID-19 has been dominating the headlines for months now, but amid all the chaos and uncertainty, it's important to remember that we remain perched on the brink of a global climate catastrophe. In fact, a state of emergency has already been declared in many countries, states and cities around the world - a list can be found on Wikipedia.
Individuals and businesses alike must do their bit to mitigate climate change and preserve the plant for future generations. If you're looking for ways to make your organisation more sustainable, ISO Accelerator may be able to help you.